commerce be 4.08   Commerce is nil.
  commerce have 0.66   Still, electronic commerce has a long way to go.
  commerce grow 0.53   And as international commerce grows, so does the threat.
  commerce take 0.53   Commerce has taken its toll on most of them.
  commerce grind 0.39   All commerce grinds to a halt.
  commerce change 0.33   He remains a free-trade proponent who believes commerce can change nations.
  commerce go 0.33   Still, commerce went on as usual later on in the day.
  commerce move 0.33   And commerce moves up and down the river and across the road.
  commerce continue 0.26   And yet commerce continued and business as usual continued.
  commerce make 0.26   Modern multinational commerce makes moral superiority difficult.
  commerce say 0.26   Commerce Says Russia Dumping Steel-Strengthening Chemicals in U.S.
  commerce stop 0.26   Commerce never stops in Hong Kong.
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