coming month 144.83   Further work is planned for the coming months.
  coming week 130.48   Brack should be tested in the coming weeks.
  coming day 104.67   Already they fear the coming days.
  coming year 89.07   And in coming years it could do much more.
  coming season 11.52   This coming season.
  coming decade 9.22   This is challenge enough to spur our coming decades.
  coming election 9.02   Maybe the coming election year will help.
  coming quarter 6.98   Waive rates payments for the coming quarter.
  coming winter 3.88   Is the coming winter bad news or good?
  coming weekend 2.96   This coming weekend is Family Weekend.
  coming session 2.83   They predicted shares would be rangebound in coming sessions.
  coming century 2.57   What, then, to call the coming century?
  coming campaign 2.44   Well, for the coming campaign season, anyway.
  coming attraction 2.37   It was a coming attraction.
  coming holiday 1.97   LOOKING for new games to try out during the coming holidays?
  coming change 1.58   The Big Three have been gearing up for the coming changes.
  coming debate 1.58   The coming debate on taxes has two main elements.
  coming battle 1.45   Some engineers wince at the coming legal battles.
  coming hour 1.45   More were expected to surrender in the coming hours.
  coming millennium 1.45   In the coming millennium, this trend can continue.
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