comfortable with 102.24   Are we comfortable with this?
  comfortable in 28.97   And it is comfortable in the extreme.
  comfortable as 6.71   Woods seems comfortable as the favorite.
  comfortable on 5.92   I feel comfortable on either side.
  comfortable for 5.40   Now life is even more comfortable for them.
  comfortable than 5.27   No one is more comfortable than Woods.
  comfortable at 4.54   I feel comfortable at the plate.
  comfortable about 3.75   I feel comfortable about the golf course.
  comfortable around 1.45   You feel comfortable around them.
  comfortable to 1.45   It is, for me, just as comfortable to use.
  comfortable against 1.25   He was comfortable against Glavine, that was clear.
  comfortable without 0.79   It is comfortable without feeling cutesy.
  comfortable after 0.72   In other ways I get more comfortable after seeing a team.
  comfortable during 0.72   He said he felt very comfortable during the long journey.
  comfortable by 0.59   He made the Presleys comfortable by acknowledging their country ways.
  comfortable among 0.53   For one, both are men who are more comfortable among men.
  comfortable from 0.53   A sports bra should be comfortable from the very beginning.
  comfortable in_front_of 0.46   He never felt comfortable in front of television cameras.
  comfortable before 0.39   He was comfortable before the cameras.
  comfortable under 0.39   I passed the night dry and fairly comfortable under part of a chute canopy.
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