comfort child 1.58   Fathers comforted screaming children.
  comfort family 1.18   But there was little news to comfort the families.
  comfort victim 1.12   He comforted flood victims in Woodland, Wash.
  comfort investor 0.92   That did little to comfort investors.
  comfort woman 0.92   Emergency workers came to comfort the woman.
  comfort mother 0.79   It would comfort a mother to know these things.
  comfort parent 0.59   His distraught parents were being comforted by relatives.
  comfort people 0.59   He has also seen how familiar plants can comfort people.
  comfort relative 0.46   Also Friday, Vice Premier Wu Bangguo visited the crash site and comforted relatives in Dalian.
  comfort word 0.46   Comforting words, to be sure.
  comfort baby 0.39   Comforting a baby is a matter of trial and error.
  comfort zone 0.39   Comfort zone gone.
  comfort patient 0.33   The nurses comfort their patients by candlelight.
  comfort friend 0.26   Wilson took away the gun and comforted his friend.
  comfort member 0.26   The chaplains comfort family members and conduct services whenever an intact body is discovered.
  comfort passenger 0.26   A no-nonsense policy that comforts jittery passengers.
  comfort sick 0.26   He was also a brave man, taking personal risks to comfort the sick during an outbreak of plague.
  comfort sister 0.26   In the dark, she tried to comfort her sister.
  comfort student 0.26   When the blast occurred teachers rushed to the school to try to comfort the students.
  comfort survivor 0.26   They comforted survivors with tea and blankets.
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