come time 27.45   But when it came time to vote, they fudged.
  come home 2.96   Come straight home from work.
  come way 2.37   We had come a ways.
  come year 1.45   Choke tubes are coming this year.
  come closer 1.38   But Phoenix came no closer.
  come close 1.25   It has never come this close.
  come step 1.18   That may have come a step closer.
  come winner 1.12   The Giants come out winners.
  come day 1.05   The day I came for the job.
  come moment 0.92   It will not come a moment too soon.
  come drunk 0.86   He used to come home drunk and beat my mother.
  come trump 0.79   Do they always come up trumps?
  come rose 0.72   Erap might yet come up roses.
  come game 0.66   These moments come every game.
  come news 0.66   Last June came startling news of merger talks with McKesson.
  come onstream 0.66   Successive units are expected to come onstream at six-month intervals.
  come problem 0.59   But with age comes more problems.
  come report 0.59   Then come reports of bioterrorism.
  come work 0.59   When she finished university, I asked her to come work with me.
  come month 0.53   The period of services for each senior volunteer is three years and seven more volunteers are coming this month.
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