combined company 48.39   Arnold will become CEO of the combined company.
  combined event 6.98   She also won the combined event.
  combined force 4.81   These combined forces cause the board to capsize.
  combined bank 4.15   The combined bank will get much of its business from retail customers.
  combined effect 4.02   The combined effect on the children is hideous.
  combined entity 3.29   GTE said, though, that BT could join the combined entity.
  combined effort 2.83   Dinner was a combined effort.
  combined operation 2.04   The combined operation will be called Domino Sugar.
  combined business 1.84   The combined business would be called KPMG.
  combined group 1.78   The combined group will also take on a substantial debt load.
  combined team 1.65   Combined team scoring will determine an overall winner.
  combined firm 1.58   Rather, he predicted the combined firm would expand.
  combined total 1.58   The combined total is more that the state lost during the recession.
  combined time 1.32   Combined time is about three hours.
  combined slalom 1.25   She fell in the combined slalom and bruised her thigh.
  combined weight 1.25   The combined weight of all ants on earth is more than the weight of all humans.
  combined opposition 1.18   A combined opposition also called on Rao to resign.
  combined income 1.05   Their combined income is reasonably good.
  combined point 0.99   The pair averages a combined three points and one rebound.
  combined score 0.99   The combined scores determine the medal winners.
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