colored light 5.99   Colored lights shine.
  colored glass 2.37   Colored glass destroys hatred.
  colored paper 1.78   Felt is best, but even colored paper will work.
  colored pencil 1.65   Most show X-Men or other comic-book heroes, in meticulous colored pencil.
  colored egg 1.18   Brightly colored eggs are an Easter custom in many Christian homes.
  colored cotton 0.99   But yields on colored cotton are lower, so farmers may not see much difference in profits.
  colored shirt 0.99   He wears lighter suits and colored shirts and cowboy boots.
  colored sugar 0.99   Speckled the cookies with colored sugar.
  colored ribbon 0.92   She wore a wide-brimmed straw hat Decorated with colored ribbons.
  colored ink 0.79   Colored inks and a return to very traditional wedding invitations.
  colored balloon 0.72   Preschoolers rushed us like colored balloons.
  colored stone 0.72   Floors inlaid with colored stones.
  colored banner 0.66   Brightly colored banners flutter above tile-paved streets.
  colored fish 0.66   Among them wriggled improbably colored fishes.
  colored plastic 0.66   Colored plastic may shut out light, but it also is harder to recycle.
  colored scarf 0.66   Sometimes the people doing this dance hold brightly colored scarves.
  colored water 0.66   I can remember the back of the bus, colored water fountains.
  colored hair 0.59   Harris wears black-red lipstick that nearly matches her dark-cherry colored hair.
  colored smoke 0.59   Witnesses said Serb mortar shells released a low-hanging cloud of colored smoke.
  colored dot 0.53   They worked on accuracy by placing colored dots on a net and having Bledsoe throw to them.
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