color be 45.56   Color is another.
  color come 3.42   Then comes the color.
  color make 1.97   Does color make a difference?
  color range 1.78   Colors range from white to red.
  color have 1.58   Colors have an engaging softness.
  color include 1.45   Colors include lavender-blue, pink, white and red.
  color fade 1.38   The color faded.
  color become 1.12   Color became metaphorical.
  color change 0.99   Color changes west to east.
  color seem 0.99   The colors available seem more than adequate.
  color look 0.92   If the colors look a bit odd, do not worry.
  color vary 0.92   But color can vary with diet.
  color appear 0.86   New colors will appear.
  color match 0.79   The color matches perfectly.
  color turn 0.72   Color turns out rosy with a slight shimmer.
  color go 0.66   The main color was going to be red.
  color tend 0.66   Colors tend to be more subtle in older Quimper.
  color give 0.59   The color gives the effect of being warm.
  color indicate 0.59   Deepest color indicates best quality.
  color remain 0.59   The color will remain green.
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