colonial power 19.16   The country was a colonial power.
  colonial rule 18.17   Taiwan falls under Japanese colonial rule.
  colonial time 10.14   Was such a blue used in Colonial times?
  colonial ruler 7.44   Witchcraft, long repressed by colonial rulers, has re-emerged.
  colonial era 5.86   Would you believe the colonial era?
  colonial government 4.74   ...a stalwart supporter of the colonial government.
  colonial day 3.75   Which takes us right back to colonial days.
  colonial master 3.16   We have to be careful of colonial masters.
  colonial building 3.03   What old colonial buildings?
  colonial period 2.70   An antique tea caddy from the colonial period.
  colonial administration 2.50   He later sets up the first colonial administration in Bengal.
  colonial past 2.11   In Zimbabwe, he said, he was aware of its colonial past.
  colonial official 2.04   Colonial officials have yet to finalize those spots.
  colonial governor 1.91   Its name comes from its use as a home for the British colonial governor.
  colonial history 1.91   Italy has no colonial history in Afghanistan.
  colonial authority 1.78   Colonial authorities banned the NDP five years later.
  colonial law 1.51   No such prohibition exists under existing colonial laws.
  colonial city 1.32   It has rain forests, too, and old Colonial cities.
  colonial empire 1.32   But this was even more striking in the colonial empires.
  colonial house 1.32   Of three museums I visited, two were in colonial houses.
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