collection be 34.50   But the collection is spotty.
  collection include 10.34   Its fossil collection includes a dinosaur egg.
  collection have 3.55   The collection had jazz, too.
  collection feature 2.57   Each collection features a real zotz of color.
  collection come 1.97   His collection came too.
  collection grow 1.71   The collections grew.
  collection begin 1.32   The French fall collections begin on Friday.
  collection contain 1.32   The collection contains works by Kahlo and Picasso.
  collection go 1.25   The collection went from sexy to sober.
  collection offer 1.25   The CD-ROM collection also offers users historical perspectives.
  collection become 0.92   Their collections become less daring.
  collection give 0.92   The collection gives St. Louis University a certain cachet.
  collection look 0.92   Collections looked isolated.
  collection fall 0.86   Without the money, he says, the collection could fall silent.
  collection make 0.86   Two short-story collections would make great gifts.
  collection continue 0.79   The collection is continuing, he added.
  collection remain 0.79   During construction, the permanent collection remains open.
  collection show 0.79   His latest collection shows his complete mastery of painting with oils.
  collection do 0.72   Any collection does that.
  collection take 0.72   After that our book collection took off.
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