collect money 30.35   Collect money.
  collect information 23.77   They collected information about the community.
  collect datum 23.04   Data will be collected.
  collect tax 19.62   No one collects taxes.
  collect evidence 14.61   An FBI agent has gone to collect the evidence.
  collect fee 12.11   And how will the fee be collected?
  collect sample 10.86   So they now collect samples of hair.
  collect signature 10.47   Collecting signatures is the least of it.
  collect weapon 9.41   Collecting weapons is one step forward.
  collect donation 5.92   The fund was set up to collect private donations.
  collect water 4.94   Collect the water for your plants.
  collect fund 4.87   We have to collect funds to be able to pay retired people.
  collect revenue 4.67   In addition, they collected revenue for the Sultan.
  collect benefit 4.34   He has not collected any benefits.
  collect debt 4.28   This is an attempt to collect a debt.
  collect body 4.15   She said her son helped collect the bodies.
  collect payment 3.95   I also collected payments in person.
  collect art 3.75   I collect art.
  collect damage 3.55   It allows affected producers to collect damages.
  collect point 3.49   The weakest team, Belarus, have yet to collect a point.
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