collapse in 72.48   Collapsed in the throes of agony.
  collapse on 33.44   He collapsed on the way.
  collapse into 17.91   A man collapsed into his seat.
  collapse under 17.84   Agassi collapsed under it.
  collapse after 13.56   He collapsed after a few steps.
  collapse at 12.90   It collapsed at the touch of a fork.
  collapse with 10.47   He collapsed with exhaustion.
  collapse during 8.56   Gathers collapsed during the game and died.
  collapse from 7.44   Six collapsed from the tear gas.
  collapse to 5.86   I collapsed to the ground.
  collapse because_of 4.81   Then it collapsed because of overfishing.
  collapse over 4.61   But talks collapsed over the issue of Medicaid.
  collapse onto 3.95   Some collapsed onto sidewalks.
  collapse amid 3.88   Four months later, the company collapsed amid lawsuits and accusations.
  collapse within 3.23   But the agreement collapsed within days.
  collapse as 3.16   Streets collapse as infrastructure falls apart.
  collapse around 2.76   The plastic collapses around the fruit.
  collapse without 2.57   The agreement collapsed without being implemented.
  collapse before 2.17   Last week, his house collapsed before his eyes.
  collapse like 1.78   The planned panel discussion collapsed like a fallen souffle.
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