cod oil 1.65   Cod liver oil is foul.
  cod stock 0.92   However, cod stocks in the Gulf of Maine have not.
  cod fishery 0.66   Thousands of Canadians have been without work since the collapse of the cod fishery.
  cod fillet 0.53   Place cod fillets on top, and cover with foam.
  cod population 0.46   Scientists and fishermen are waiting for a banner breeding year to boost the cod population.
  cod fishing 0.33   Several countries have now set quotas for cod fishing.
  cod catch 0.26   NAFO, with Canadian prompting, last year put a moratorium on cod catches in nearby waters.
  cod fisherman 0.26   But could you pick out members of the San Diego secondary among a lineup of Icelandic cod fishermen?
  cod mixture 0.26   Fold into cod mixture.
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