coca leaf 5.53   Coca leaf is used to make cocaine.
  coca farmer 5.13   Coca farmers turn violent to defend livelihood.
  coca field 4.21   The coca fields are hidden in the jungle.
  coca plant 3.55   Cocaine is made from the coca plant.
  coca production 3.03   Coca production and drug corruption increased.
  coca grower 2.96   Coca growers have taken advantage of the situation.
  coca crop 2.37   In Colombia, however, farmers continue to harvest bumper coca crops.
  coca paste 1.71   Peasants come to sell coca paste.
  coca plantation 1.45   Their mission is to destroy labs and eradicate coca plantations.
  coca cultivation 1.18   Peru leads the world in coca cultivation.
  coca bush 0.59   On a recent cool morning, he stood amid chest-high coca bushes and smiled.
  coca producer 0.53   Peruvian authorities say the Maoist Shining Path protects coca producers in the Upper Huallaga Valley.
  coca tea 0.53   Coca tea is a popular drink and recommended as an anecdote for altitude sickness.
  coca effort 0.46   Gonzalez said the figures show coca eradication efforts are succeeding.
  coca harvest 0.39   The challenge is finding a cash crop that can pay mostly poor farmers as well as do their coca harvests.
  coca price 0.39   U.S. and Peruvian officials say the steep increase in coca prices is a result of several developments.
  coca region 0.33   For example, officers must stop aiding the brutal paramilitary groups moving into the coca regions.
  coca base 0.26   Our money, some times during the year, is coca base but we just use it as currency.
  coca farm 0.26   The bulk of coca farms are on rebel-held lands.
  coca picker 0.26   Anti-narcotics operations have thrown legions of coca pickers out of work.
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