cobblestone street 7.57   Honking cars choked the few cobblestone streets.
  cobblestone road 0.33   At the height of a wave, the beach looks like a cobblestone road.
  cobblestone sidewalk 0.33   Streets are cracked, cobblestone sidewalks crumpled.
  cobblestone courtyard 0.26   They were standing in the shadowy arcade that encircled the cobblestone courtyard.
  cobblestone lane 0.26   And the cobblestone lanes are crowded with laughing, chatting shoppers.
  cobblestone path 0.26   The president and first lady walked along a cobblestone path to a two-story, red-clay former slave house.
  cobblestone plaza 0.26   Others slumped on the cobblestone plaza, holding their stomachs and heads in pain.
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