coastal water 61.09   The winds cause coastal waters to move south.
  coastal area 35.62   Evacuation of coastal areas was advised.
  coastal town 15.60   Small coastal towns dot the landscape.
  coastal city 14.81   Bomber strikes in coastal city.
  coastal region 11.06   Clouds will cover the coastal regions.
  coastal resort 9.41   Mombasa is the gateway to coastal resorts.
  coastal flood 7.31   Coastal flood watch on Monday.
  coastal highway 7.31   Gunboats again shell coastal highway.
  coastal community 6.32   Coastal communities were not the only ones hurt.
  coastal state 6.06   Missouri lacks the expansive waters of coastal states.
  coastal road 5.79   The coastal road had many twists and turns.
  coastal province 5.00   Sixteen more died in four southern coastal provinces.
  coastal plain 4.87   Wildflowers found on coastal plains.
  coastal sea 4.87   Coastal seas have thus peaked.
  coastal village 4.74   The sea level rose and swamped the coastal villages.
  coastal resident 4.67   Hurricanes are part of life for coastal residents.
  coastal section 3.69   Patchy ocean fog may shroud coastal sections.
  coastal shower 2.70   Isolated coastal showers.
  coastal patrol 2.57   Authorities have stepped up coastal patrols and inspections of incoming cargoes.
  coastal cloud 2.44   Coastal clouds will linger in Oregon.
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