coaching staff 80.18   A good coaching staff.
  coaching job 26.73   Hatton took a coaching job at BU.
  coaching change 12.90   A coaching change.
  coaching career 9.94   Ending his coaching career.
  coaching position 6.52   A head coaching position at Wyoming?
  coaching experience 5.13   He had head coaching experience.
  coaching vacancy 4.61   The Warriors also have a coaching vacancy.
  coaching candidate 3.75   The coaching candidates, for one.
  coaching search 3.36   At least the coaching search is out of the way.
  coaching style 3.09   I know my coaching style.
  coaching duty 2.50   Assistant Phil Johnson assumed the coaching duties for Sloan.
  coaching situation 2.37   Another distraction is the coaching situation.
  coaching rank 2.30   Another Sutter brother has joined the coaching ranks.
  coaching philosophy 1.78   And that rule led to a change in coaching philosophy.
  coaching legend 1.51   A coaching legend retires.
  coaching clinic 1.38   Giants players are coaching clinics and visiting schools and hospitals.
  coaching debut 1.38   Davis made his coaching debut.
  coaching decision 1.38   You look at it as a coaching decision.
  coaching profession 1.38   The coaching profession has been great to me.
  coaching session 1.38   Those items will be discussed in the coaching sessions.
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