cloudy with 31.67   Becoming cloudy with showers likely.
  cloudy in 11.52   Becoming partly cloudy in the east.
  cloudy across 7.70   It will be mostly cloudy across the region today.
  cloudy to 4.02   Elsewhere, it will be cloudy to partly sunny.
  cloudy by 3.29   Becoming cloudy by afternoon.
  cloudy over 2.57   The weather is too cloudy over Serbia!
  cloudy but 1.65   Tonight...Mostly cloudy but clouds decreasing late.
  cloudy after 1.18   Becoming partly cloudy after midnight.
  cloudy from 0.99   The hot water comes out very cloudy from my kitchen sink.
  cloudy except 0.79   Tonight...Partly cloudy except fair west by midnight.
  cloudy for 0.79   St. Croix was partly cloudy for most of the night.
  cloudy during 0.59   Skies will continue partly cloudy during the afternoon.
  cloudy at 0.46   The rest of the Memorial Day weekend ... Partly cloudy at night.
  cloudy as 0.33   It was as cloudy as milk, then it settled.
  cloudy except_for 0.26   Partly cloudy except for variable afternoon clouds inland.
  cloudy through 0.26   Mostly cloudy through noon with scattered showers.
  cloudy throughout 0.26   However, mainly areas will remain cloudy throughout the day.
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