clone human 5.07   He would soon start cloning humans.
  clone animal 2.70   They would use those cells to clone animals.
  clone sheep 2.37   Cloning sheep?
  clone embryo 2.04   It might even be used for cloning human embryos.
  clone calf 1.05   Japanese scientists clone eight calves from cells of one adult cow.
  clone pig 1.05   If only Gregor Mendel had lived to see the first cloned pig.
  clone cell 0.99   They were cloning cells from early embryos that had not yet specialized.
  clone baby 0.79   Missouri prohibits state financing for experiments intended to clone babies.
  clone gene 0.79   Yes, one can clone the genes of Francisco Ayala.
  clone people 0.79   Is it legal to clone people?
  clone cow 0.66   Scientists in the United States succeeded in cloning a cow from fetal cells earlier this year.
  clone cat 0.53   Should the cat be cloned?
  clone person 0.53   The ethics of cloning a person are as shaky as the technology, which is primitive indeed at this point.
  clone maker 0.46   That title still goes to clone maker Power Computing Corp.
  clone mouse 0.46   Cloning mice is more efficient, Yanagimachi said.
  clone child 0.39   But cloning children?
  clone mammal 0.39   Scientists clone adult mammal, a first.
  clone piglet 0.39   Infigen Inc., the Wisconsin company, is one of only a few groups worldwide to have successfully cloned piglets.
  clone cattle 0.33   Later, he was the first to clone transgenic cattle.
  clone dog 0.33   For those reasons and more, Sperling wants to clone the dog.
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