clogged artery 7.24   More clogged arteries may lie ahead.
  clogged drain 1.51   Sooner or later everyone may encounter a clogged drain.
  clogged highway 0.79   Traffic jams clogged highways around Wilmington, N.C.
  clogged road 0.72   Clogged roads create a false demand.
  clogged street 0.72   Traffic jams clogged streets and shops reopened on Monday.
  clogged heart 0.46   The procedure involves inflating a tiny balloon to squeeze open clogged heart arteries.
  clogged filter 0.39   A clogged filter will obstruct proper air circulation and impede operating efficiency.
  clogged traffic 0.39   But the clogged traffic has slowed down the trip.
  clogged freeway 0.33   Transportation is the big issue in Santa Clara County, whose clogged freeways rival those in Los Angeles.
  clogged gutter 0.26   All of these new inventions claim perfection and an end to clogged gutters.
  clogged line 0.26   The problem now seems to be clogged lines.
  clogged phone 0.26   The clogged phone lines reflect the boom in sales of personal computers this Christmas, and Compaq was not alone.
  clogged toilet 0.26   Rotten working conditions, clogged toilets, no overtime pay.
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