clerical worker 3.69   Payment of wages to clerical workers.
  clerical error 3.03   A clerical error, Rifkin explained.
  clerical job 2.57   Millions more had clerical jobs.
  clerical work 2.57   She had done clerical work before she Married.
  clerical staff 1.84   Moran dismissed it as an oversight by his clerical staff.
  clerical garb 1.32   He persists in wearing his clerical garb.
  clerical establishment 1.12   In the past, those deemed un-Islamic by the ruling clerical establishment have been banned from the polls.
  clerical position 0.92   Thousands of clerical positions and service jobs were eliminated.
  clerical duty 0.86   She was an assistant to the lawyers, he said, performing mostly clerical duties.
  clerical hierarchy 0.86   It was not a clerical hierarchy.
  clerical rule 0.86   Clerical rule has led to competing secular and religious power centers.
  clerical skill 0.72   Not a clerical skills one, but, office procedures.
  clerical task 0.66   Some did clerical tasks, like photocopying handouts.
  clerical abuse 0.53   The scourge of clerical abuse is not unique to Boston.
  clerical employee 0.53   The clerical employees who were questioned by Johnson process incoming case filings.
  clerical help 0.53   They might request some clerical help or dictation equipment.
  clerical mistake 0.53   A clerical mistake caused a computer glitch.
  clerical leader 0.46   As Albright noted, conservative clerical leaders still exercise great power.
  clerical robe 0.46   Khatami wore a black cape over his clerical robe.
  clerical support 0.39   The clerical support office, officer has not yet been filled, and that is one of the two mentioned.
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