clandestine radio 4.02   Is the clandestine radio site also on the hit list?
  clandestine group 2.90   A clandestine group has claimed responsibility for them.
  clandestine meeting 2.90   ...their clandestine meetings.
  clandestine operation 2.44   They specialize in water-based clandestine operations.
  clandestine immigrant 1.84   Often these people are clandestine immigrants.
  clandestine program 1.32   More clandestine programs reportedly include weapons and combat training.
  clandestine organization 1.18   The clandestine organization said the fact that it was holding to its cease-fire was proof of that.
  clandestine immigration 1.12   Juan PerOn actively supported the clandestine immigration scheme.
  clandestine weapon 1.12   A clandestine weapons program that was a contravention of the international arms agreement.
  clandestine service 0.99   This will not improve morale at the clandestine service.
  clandestine airstrip 0.86   For coca and poppy, traffickers fly into clandestine airstrips.
  clandestine activity 0.79   But her notoriety is owed to flamboyant rather than clandestine activities.
  clandestine arm 0.79   Little fraternal love existed between these two clandestine arms of government.
  clandestine laboratory 0.79   As a result, Ecstasy is now manufactured only in clandestine laboratories.
  clandestine movement 0.72   They warn that other clandestine movements will join them.
  clandestine effort 0.66   This is no clandestine effort, mind you.
  clandestine nature 0.66   No one knows the exact number of militias because of their clandestine nature.
  clandestine network 0.66   The clandestine network is reportedly operated by senior government officials.
  clandestine trade 0.66   But a thriving clandestine trade persists.
  clandestine trip 0.59   He often made clandestine trips to Arab states to secure the release of Jews.
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