chosen field 3.29   Ethics is his chosen field of study.
  chosen profession 2.44   He did well in his chosen profession.
  chosen one 2.30   He is the chosen one.
  chosen few 2.04   The chosen few . . .
  chosen successor 1.51   Lukwiya was his chosen successor.
  chosen people 1.45   Jews claim they are His chosen people.
  chosen career 1.38   I want my children to be successful in their chosen careers.
  chosen candidate 1.25   He is the chosen candidate of Mario Cuomo.
  chosen word 0.92   Poorly chosen words sound too dumb to believe.
  chosen site 0.79   New York was the chosen site for the inaugural year.
  chosen target 0.59   He seems to have chosen targets based on their ethnic minority identities.
  chosen topic 0.59   Why is food her chosen topic?
  chosen instrument 0.53   Her chosen instrument was voice.
  chosen sport 0.46   Both men were veterans in their chosen sport.
  chosen spot 0.46   Hang in the chosen spot and keep checking.
  chosen mediator 0.39   Karaha said the rebels had no chosen mediator.
  chosen method 0.39   At Mattel, e-mail is the chosen method of communication.
  chosen partner 0.39   Most prostitutes are unable to have orgasms with their chosen partners.
  chosen subject 0.39   And, yes, there are books on the chosen subject in each room.
  chosen activity 0.33   This scheme would benefit anyone participating in the chosen activity not just Ottery youth.
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