chill relation 1.05   Massacre still chills relations.
  chill air 0.72   As the wait continued, self-doubt chilled the air.
  chill dough 0.72   Chill dough.
  chill mixture 0.66   Chill mixture.
  chill investment 0.53   Critics say the ruling will chill investment across Nafta borders.
  chill market 0.39   Rivals said this practice had chilled the market for competing software.
  chill wine 0.39   Chill white wine.
  chill cake 0.33   Chill cake.
  chill drink 0.33   Finely crushed ice, rather than cubes, chills the drink quickly with minimum dilution.
  chill bone 0.26   When it touches some, chilling their bones, they run into the corner and hide.
  chill economy 0.26   Raising it chills the economy and can prevent increases in the inflation rate.
  chill tie 0.26   His speech comes after a spy crisis that chilled ties with Israel.
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