chill be 2.50   Finally, the chill is gone.
  chill run 0.79   A chill ran through her.
  chill grip 0.72   Bitter chill will grip the Northeast Saturday.
  chill come 0.59   A chill came over the room.
  chill cover 0.46   Wintry chill will cover the upper Middle West.
  chill persist 0.46   Arctic chill will persist in from the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountain states.
  chill deepen 0.39   Chill will deepen in the Northeast behind a cold front that passed Monday night.
  chill go 0.39   Then a chill went up her spine.
  chill linger 0.33   The chill lingered, and the Wildcats dodged ice floes all season.
  chill begin 0.26   The chill began well before the start of winter.
  chill collect 0.26   Moreover, since cold air is heavier than warm, chill collects in lowlands on calm mornings making valleys more susceptible to frost than hillsides.
  chill greet 0.26   Record chill will greet parts of the Great Lakes and Northeast Monday morning as a large Canadian air mass settles over the region.
  chill make 0.26   The wind chill will make it feel even colder.
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