chicken be 14.48   So was the chicken.
  chicken come 1.65   The chicken came first.
  chicken have 1.65   Chickens have needs.
  chicken cook 1.05   The polenta can broil while chicken is cooking.
  chicken cool 0.79   Let chicken cool in stock.
  chicken go 0.59   So her roast chicken goes backless.
  chicken make 0.59   Leftover chicken makes a wonderful salad.
  chicken run 0.59   Occasionally a chicken runs by.
  chicken become 0.46   Chicken had become boring.
  chicken get 0.46   Do chickens get lonely without other chickens?
  chicken peck 0.46   Chickens pecked in the dust.
  chicken roam 0.46   A chicken roams one car.
  chicken contain 0.39   He charged that the chicken contained more than double the amount of MSG allowed by Indian law.
  chicken die 0.39   Infected chickens usually die quickly.
  chicken lie 0.39   Q. Do chickens really lay an egg every day?
  chicken take 0.39   Small chickens will take a little less time.
  chicken turn 0.39   The chicken turns into high-end chicken nuggets.
  chicken wander 0.39   Chickens wander in, wander out.
  chicken cross 0.33   Why did the chicken cross the road?
  chicken eat 0.33   What do chickens eat?
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