chemotherapy treatment 11.39   She began chemotherapy treatment in May.
  chemotherapy drug 6.25   - Common chemotherapy drugs such as fluorouracil and cisplatin.
  chemotherapy patient 1.12   Overall, the chemotherapy patients scored significantly worse, though most were still thinking clearly.
  chemotherapy session 1.12   Chemotherapy sessions wracked his body and took his hair.
  chemotherapy agent 0.59   Novantrone, like many chemotherapy agents, is an immunosuppressant.
  chemotherapy overdose 0.46   Chemotherapy overdoses may be on the rise, due in part to the proliferation of high-dose treatments.
  chemotherapy regimen 0.46   He was put on the most rigorous chemotherapy regimen he could bear.
  chemotherapy medication 0.33   He acknowledged buying stolen chemotherapy medications and then selling them from his pharmacy.
  chemotherapy order 0.33   Similar ambiguities in chemotherapy orders have bedeviled other hospitals nationally.
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