checkered flag 10.01   There is no checkered flag.
  checkered history 2.44   GHB has a checkered history, however.
  checkered headdress 1.18   One elderly man in a checkered Arab headdress stumbled as he ran.
  checkered career 1.05   Hooper has had a checkered career for the West Indies.
  checkered shirt 0.79   I had a pair of tan cotton pants and a green checkered shirt.
  checkered record 0.72   U.N. peacekeepers have had a checkered record in the region.
  checkered scarf 0.72   He wore jeans, a checkered scarf and a big, flat hat.
  checkered keffiyeh 0.46   He was dressed in olive fatigues and a black-and-white checkered keffiyeh, or headdress.
  checkered tablecloth 0.46   Tables are covered with red-and-white checkered tablecloths, and you can dine alfresco.
  checkered head 0.33   We carry keffiyehs, the checkered Palestinian head scarves, in the car.
  checkered pant 0.33   Outfielder Raul Ibanez was forced to wear a green shirt, checkered pants and maroon sports coat.
  checkered headscarf 0.26   The youths, their faces covered with checkered headscarves and T-shirts, did not listen.
  checkered life 0.26   The checkered life of Charles A. Lindbergh.
  checkered past 0.26   Some with checkered pasts acknowledged the difficulty of starting anew.
  checkered reputation 0.26   In fact, Edmundo has a checkered reputation in the sport.
  checkered tie 0.26   The two wore identical gray suits and checkered ties.
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