chase ball 6.45   The wind was chasing the ball.
  chase dream 3.62   See Jane chase her dream.
  chase car 3.49   A chia dog that chases cars?
  chase man 2.44   Instead, the women are chasing the men!
  chase protester 2.30   They chased the protesters and beat them with billy clubs.
  chase gunman 2.24   At least four people chased the gunman as he fled.
  chase people 1.97   They chase people.
  chase suspect 1.91   The police chased the suspect along Severn Avenue.
  chase woman 1.71   Regular guys can chase women.
  chase history 1.65   We are chasing history.
  chase rebel 1.58   Chea said government troops were now chasing the rebels.
  chase group 1.45   Police chased a group of Englishmen down a narrow street.
  chase demonstrator 1.38   The demonstrators were chased away by the Kashmiri police.
  chase reaction 1.38   We are chasing reaction.
  chase youth 1.38   Troops chased the youths and arrested two of them.
  chase lead 1.32   Some of the disappointment came from chasing false leads.
  chase student 1.32   Rachman said the soldiers were chasing students and fired several shots.
  chase tail 1.25   We were like a dog chasing its tail.
  chase dog 1.18   Some children go sledding and chase dogs.
  chase assailant 1.12   The local police chased the assailants but could not catch them.
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