chartered plane 8.23   He returned to Tunisia Sunday on a chartered plane.
  chartered flight 5.60   On a chartered flight?
  chartered bus 4.34   They came by two chartered buses.
  chartered jet 3.42   Several came on chartered jets.
  chartered bank 2.04   Federally chartered banks can already operate in New York.
  chartered aircraft 1.58   Trips on chartered aircraft are one area that can easily be checked out.
  chartered helicopter 1.18   Chartered helicopters with reporters were turned back.
  chartered airplane 0.86   He came by chartered airplane, and his staff cited mechanical delays.
  chartered airliner 0.53   A chartered Egyptian airliner was hijacked Wednesday and ordered to fly to Libya, police officials said.
  chartered analyst 0.46   That is CFA, or chartered financial analyst.
  chartered surveyor 0.46   Inquiries must continue, however, to discover if Trevor Graham, a chartered surveyor, takes rural walks.
  chartered jetliner 0.39   They had their chartered jetliner standing by, the flight plan to California already on file.
  chartered ship 0.39   The Lebanese had traveled to Conakry on a chartered ship.
  chartered boat 0.33   A few years ago, the only way to get to the Tortugas was by seaplane or chartered boat.
  chartered saving 0.33   Although Telebanc calls itself a bank, it actually operates a federally chartered savings and loan.
  chartered yacht 0.33   She was stabbed to death aboard their chartered yacht in the Caribbean.
  chartered engineer 0.26   He is a chartered engineer and a Member of Metallurgists.
  chartered ferry 0.26   A chartered ferry shuttled several groups of foreigners across the Congo River to the neighboring Republic of Congo.
  chartered thrift 0.26   State chartered thrifts would be treated as banks for the purpose of federal law.
  chartered train 0.26   Her father, Charles, a telegraph operator for the Missouri-Pacific Railroad, was on board the chartered train.
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