charter plane 4.87   The team chartered a plane.
  charter ship 1.25   The Houston, Texas, company had chartered the ship.
  charter boat 1.12   Where can I charter a boat?
  charter jet 1.12   Buckley called and chartered a jet.
  charter flight 0.99   From now on, they will take air force or chartered flights.
  charter airplane 0.66   And no airplanes were chartered.
  charter bus 0.59   For those intent on returning to New York, Bowne chartered a bus.
  charter aircraft 0.53   The company manages, services, maintains and charters aircraft.
  charter school 0.53   More charter schools.
  charter helicopter 0.39   Cameco Corp., a Saskatoon, Saskatchewan-based mining company had chartered the helicopter.
  charter vessel 0.26   All three vessels had been chartered by Galician interests.
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