charged atmosphere 4.48   They seem to be overawed by the charged atmosphere.
  charged issue 4.28   All deal with emotionally charged issues.
  charged case 2.11   The racially charged case gained national attention.
  charged debate 1.65   The proposal has stirred an emotionally charged debate there.
  charged environment 1.12   Even in this charged environment, competitors still praise Morgan.
  charged ion 0.99   The excited electron whizzes off, leaving a positively charged ion.
  charged one 0.66   When the battery in the phone runs down, you swap it with the fully charged one in the base unit.
  charged particle 0.66   The charged molecular particles collide at high speeds and many fuse, releasing heat energy.
  charged atom 0.59   Oppositely charged atoms attract each other, and similarly charged atoms repel.
  charged situation 0.59   Rated R for nudity, brief violence and sexually charged situations.
  charged trial 0.59   The politically charged trial is expected to last two years.
  charged language 0.53   The United States has also raised objections, though in less charged language.
  charged subject 0.53   Following Diana, fame itself has become a newly charged subject.
  charged climate 0.46   Compare that with the more ideologically charged climate of today.
  charged electron 0.46   Remember that all atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus orbited by negatively charged electrons?
  charged match 0.46   The Americans and Irans meet in their politically charged match in Lyon.
  charged emotion 0.39   Too many racially charged emotions had been invested in Tawana Brawley.
  charged gas 0.39   The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.
  charged hearing 0.39   The gassing has been central to the politically charged hearings.
  charged meeting 0.39   In an interview after the emotionally charged meeting, however, Cooper noted that the laws are not entirely inflexible.
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