charge code 3.23   Please supply a valid charge code.
  charge fee 1.65   Neither fund charges redemption fees.
  charge official 1.05   Kongolo also accused the United Nations of siding with the rebels -- a charge U.N. officials deny.
  charge price 0.79   Many companies have high expenses and charge higher prices than competitors.
  charge nurse 0.53   But, Jim was a charge nurse.
  charge payer 0.53   These are added burdens on the charge payer which are no fault of his own.
  charge slip 0.46   If the consumer simply signs a charge slip, the merchant pays the higher credit card fee.
  charge stick 0.46   But making that charge stick has proven tricky.
  charge came 0.39   The charges came as jets pounded the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif.
  charge police 0.39   Protesters claimed police also fired live ammunition, a charge police denied.
  charge rate 0.39   Both versions of her plan charge progressively higher rates the more electricity is used.
  charge admission 0.33   Some people put a lot of lights on their houses and charge admission.
  charge carry 0.26   Both charges carry up to life in prison and the federal charge can bring the death penalty.
  charge claim 0.26   He has denied any wrongdoing and claims the charges were fabricated by political rivals.
  charge company 0.26   The changes include provisions that reduce the access fees local phone companies charge long-distance companies to complete calls.
  charge system 0.26   The FCC plans to overhaul the access charge system and universal service together by early next year.
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