chair meeting 20.28   Tietmeyer chaired the meeting.
  chair committee 8.16   McCain chairs the committee.
  chair talk 3.69   Mandela is expected to chair the talks.
  chair panel 3.03   That panel would be chaired by Johnson.
  chair commission 2.50   Mitchell will chair the commission.
  chair hearing 2.04   He chaired Senate hearings into the scandal in April.
  chair group 1.78   The group is chaired by Mrs.
  chair session 1.78   Uzbek President Islam Karimov chaired the session.
  chair subcommittee 1.65   McConnell chairs the subcommittee.
  chair conference 1.51   Chairing conferences on greater efficiency and higher productivity.
  chair board 1.45   He tapped Isakson to chair the board.
  chair council 1.05   Japan currently chairs the council.
  chair negotiation 1.05   The Germans chaired the negotiations over the document.
  chair summit 0.72   Berlusconi chaired the summit.
  chair umpire 0.46   Edberg suspected a bit of gamesmanship and complained to chair umpire Mike Morrissey.
  chair body 0.33   South African President Thabo Mbeki, who chairs the body, said peace efforts had to be accelerated.
  chair discussion 0.33   I chaired the discussion.
  chair proceeding 0.33   Chairing the proceedings is Cardinal Nasrallah Pierre Sfeir, the Maronite patriarch.
  chair team 0.33   The team was chaired by State Minister of Environment Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, who also heads Bapedal.
  chair association 0.26   His wife chaired the association while the son was managing director.
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