certify result 5.33   Results will be certified Thursday, he said.
  certify vote 2.11   -- Change the dates when votes must be certified.
  certify election 1.97   He certified the elections as free and fair.
  certify winner 1.25   Harris is expected to certify a winner once the overseas votes are counted.
  certify case 1.12   The employees are hoping to have their case certified as a class action.
  certify compliance 1.12   Baghdad froze cooperation after Butler refused to certify Iraqi compliance.
  certify slate 0.92   They have already certified a slate of Bush electors.
  certify class 0.72   Four classes have been certified.
  certify country 0.72   The president can either certify a country as cooperative or decertify it, which can lead to economic sanctions.
  certify product 0.72   MEC products are certified by Sirim.
  certify company 0.66   The FAA is working on new rules that would require security companies to be certified, Flynn said.
  certify lawsuit 0.59   Osteen said he could rule on whether to certify the lawsuit as a class action by summer at the earliest.
  certify teacher 0.59   Teachers must be certified by the state.
  certify instructor 0.53   Instructors were not certified.
  certify safety 0.46   US Federal Aviation Administration officials have certified the safety of the new aircraft.
  certify aircraft 0.39   And Boeing still must certify the aircraft for use with General Electric and Rolls-Royce engines.
  certify doctor 0.39   Has your doctor been certified?
  certify building 0.33   Engineers are bribed to certify buildings that later collapse and kill.
  certify coach 0.33   All coaches would be certified annually in CPR.
  certify diamond 0.33   In March, it announced plans to certify all diamonds sold to its sightholders as nonconflict stones.
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