center on 142.53   Both center squarely on Hong Kong.
  center around 27.98   A lot centers around his salary.
  center in 22.91   Center in Midtown Atlanta.
  center over 7.57   Lift onto rolling pin and center over filling.
  center for 5.99   Center for Puppetry Arts.
  center to 2.63   Castilla doubled to center to score two more and chase Reichert.
  center near 2.37   Were there youth centers near his home?
  center with 1.51   Center with a mound of oil-cured olives.
  center of 1.38   Center of the scandal.
  center at 1.25   However talk now is centered at the level ofsuch a commission.
  center under 1.25   Ideally, the vent should be centered under the roof peak.
  center by 0.79   He replaced Brad Smyth on a line with Stevens and centered by Neal Broten....
  center from 0.66   Allies moves military center from northern Iraq.
  center off 0.59   The quake was probably centered off the coast of San Francisco.
  center between 0.53   It was centered between Sofia and the Mount Vitosha.
  center upon 0.53   Most of the activities around Jasper center upon the outdoors.
  center as 0.46   As close to Staples Center as possible.
  center across 0.39   High pressure centered across the western Atlantic dominated the local area.
  center along 0.39   Both were centered along the border deep below the earth.
  center below 0.26   The quake was felt strongly because it was shallow, centered below land rather than the sea.
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