censure motion
13.69 |
Parliament rejects censure motion. |
censure resolution
6.71 |
He authored a censure resolution. |
censure vote
4.34 |
Prime minister faces censure vote. |
censure debate
4.15 |
Chuan is not a target of the censure debate. |
censure proposal
1.51 |
Censure proposal gains key supporter. |
censure deal
1.05 |
Does the Senate become the venue for a censure deal? |
censure option
0.92 |
He argued against a censure option. |
censure alternative
0.66 |
Democratic Rep. Martin Frost of Dallas favors the censure alternative. |
censure measure
0.46 |
King has had the good sense to offer a censure measure that would require an admission by Clinton. |
censure plan
0.46 |
Former Senate majority leader Bob Dole has a censure plan. |
censure effort
0.39 |
Haider has predicted that any censure effort would quickly crumble. |
censure move
0.39 |
But two of the NDP lawmakers already have distanced themselves from the censure move. |
censure agreement
0.33 |
But he expressed hopes that a censure agreement could be achieved. |