cellular service 12.51   Cellular service was spotty.
  cellular company 6.58   SBC is one of the top three U.S. cellular companies.
  cellular network 5.27   The STU now includes a cellular network.
  cellular system 2.83   The war over a favourite cellular system has started.
  cellular operation 2.57   Most existing cellular operations are local in focus.
  cellular business 2.30   The cellular business is hotter than hot.
  cellular operator 2.30   Cellular operators use radio waves under license from the FCC.
  cellular call 1.97   His doctor persuaded him to give up in a cellular call from Seville.
  cellular carrier 1.84   Cellular carriers normally have to pick up the tab for such fraud.
  cellular communication 1.78   The PCS is an advanced cellular communications system that transmits both voice and data.
  cellular customer 1.58   Not all cellular customers will be covered right away.
  cellular technology 1.58   It has zigzagged confusingly on cellular technology.
  cellular industry 1.51   The cellular industry has plenty of room to grow.
  cellular market 1.51   CDMA has already experienced some growing pains in the cellular market.
  cellular level 1.45   Can cancer be treated at a cellular level?
  cellular license 1.25   The new cellular licenses were originally scheduled to be awarded late last year.
  cellular provider 1.25   SBC is the largest cellular provider among the Bells.
  cellular unit 0.92   In addition, Sprint plans to spin off its cellular unit.
  cellular handset 0.86   These pulses are picked up by a cellular handset, which decodes them back into your voice.
  cellular damage 0.79   They are thought to produce cellular damage that can lead to cancer.
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