caustic remark 0.86   The pair provided comic relief with caustic remarks.
  caustic chemical 0.66   The nerve gas would then be neutralized with a caustic chemical.
  caustic comment 0.46   Hayward made some pretty caustic comments about your poetry.
  caustic solution 0.46   The Army has recommended dissolving the canisters in a caustic solution.
  caustic substance 0.39   Forensic tests on their contents later identified the caustic substance as sodium hydroxide, the spokesman said.
  caustic tongue 0.39   Can you believe these are the two most caustic tongues in Hollywood?
  caustic critic 0.33   But the caustic critics were not the majority.
  caustic sodium 0.33   In the accident, tons of caustic liquid sodium coolant leaked in what scientists called a very serious incident.
  caustic wit 0.33   His caustic wit is one of the reasons for his fame.
  caustic humor 0.26   Often, caustic humor is restricted to the back rooms and street corners.
  caustic liquid 0.26   Police have said they are not yet certain what kind of caustic liquid the attacker used.
  caustic word 0.26   Egoism, intolerance or caustic words have no place in the Montessori system.
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