caste system 5.00   The caste system is now crumbling.
  caste discrimination 0.86   But India is trying to keep caste discrimination off the conference agenda.
  caste clash 0.53   The state is wracked by caste clashes and a rebellion by Maoist groups.
  caste man 0.53   Devi was born to a poor farmer whose land was taken by upper caste men.
  caste people 0.53   In several villages, upper caste people have prevented low-caste residents from attending school, she said.
  caste war 0.53   It depicts the shootings as the outgrowth of what amounted to a caste war.
  caste landlord 0.46   It says it is fighting to redistribute land from upper caste landlords to lower caste peasants.
  caste violence 0.39   Jehanabad has been the center of brutal caste violence.
  caste division 0.33   He said this was aimed at ending caste divisions rampant among Hindus.
  caste warfare 0.33   Bihar state has earned a reputation for lawlessness and caste warfare.
  caste hierarchy 0.26   Both the driver and his aide were Dalits, who are at the bottom of the rigid caste hierarchy.
  caste killing 0.26   Recent caste killings prompted New Delhi late last month to fire the Bihar government on grounds that law and order had disintegrated there.
  caste landowner 0.26   The Ranbir Sena is suspected of receiving arms and funding from upper caste landowners.
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