cancerous tumor 8.69   That led doctors to discover the cancerous tumor.
  cancerous cell 6.52   ...production of cancerous cells.
  cancerous growth 1.58   But there were none in the tiny cancerous growth in the thyroid.
  cancerous tissue 1.58   Grist said he believes all the cancerous tissue was removed.
  cancerous prostate 0.79   He will undergo surgery this month to have his cancerous prostate removed.
  cancerous lump 0.72   She had two cancerous lumps.
  cancerous kidney 0.66   Devlin had surgery Friday to remove his cancerous right kidney.
  cancerous brain 0.53   The kid had a cancerous brain tumor removed last fall.
  cancerous lesion 0.46   No, a doctor had just removed a small cancerous lesion.
  cancerous lung 0.46   Brown, who had a cancerous lung removed in December, went in an ambulance to a Buffalo hospital.
  cancerous breast 0.33   She knew she needed to have the cancerous breast removed, but what about the healthy breast?
  cancerous tumour 0.33   Such diseases as alcoholism, diabetes and certain cancerous tumours also affect the function of G-protein.
  cancerous gland 0.26   After learning his options, Valle elected to have the cancerous gland surgically removed.
  cancerous mass 0.26   She has several medical problems, including a potentially cancerous mass and an infected eye.
  cancerous mole 0.26   Remember the cancerous mole that was removed from his back this off-season?
  cancerous polyp 0.26   The patients had already had at least one potentially cancerous polyp removed.
  cancerous testicle 0.26   In October, Armstrong had a cancerous testicle removed and was undergoing chemotherapy to fight the disease that had spread to his stomach and lungs.
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