cancer be 31.93   Breast cancer is not.
  cancer spread 14.61   The cancer had spread to her liver.
  cancer return 4.54   My cancer returned.
  cancer develop 2.44   But in that time, an invasive cancer could develop.
  cancer have 2.11   The cancer would have its way.
  cancer recur 1.91   But her cancer recurred.
  cancer go 1.78   The cancer has gone into remission.
  cancer grow 1.71   Yet the cancer there was growing.
  cancer kill 1.65   Breast cancer kills about one woman in eight.
  cancer occur 1.38   Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast run amok.
  cancer come 1.18   Then came cancer.
  cancer appear 1.12   Once rare cancers are appearing more often.
  cancer cause 1.12   Doctors said colon cancer caused his death.
  cancer become 1.05   Skin cancer has become an epidemic.
  cancer strike 0.99   But it shows how cancer can strike anyone.
  cancer take 0.99   Then cancer took it away from her.
  cancer progress 0.79   More tests would tell if the lung cancer was progressing.
  cancer begin 0.72   Colon cancers begin as harmless polyps which can be found and removed.
  cancer remain 0.72   His cancer remains in remission.
  cancer reappear 0.66   In March, his cancer reappeared.
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