cancel flight 45.03   Flights were canceled.
  cancel trip 38.38   Lopez canceled her trip.
  cancel plan 31.34   He asked Norton to cancel the plan.
  cancel meeting 24.49   Cancel the meeting.
  cancel visit 21.53   The visit was canceled.
  cancel contract 14.75   Contracts were canceled.
  cancel order 11.78   So I had to cancel the order.
  cancel class 11.39   Classes were canceled.
  cancel event 10.47   The event was canceled.
  cancel game 8.43   The game was canceled.
  cancel show 8.36   Cancel the show?
  cancel appearance 7.97   She did cancel an appearance Friday in Omaha.
  cancel election 7.37   The election was canceled.
  cancel deal 6.65   The deal was later cancelled.
  cancel season 6.58   Cancel the season!
  cancel tour 6.39   Clinton cancelled the tour.
  cancel project 5.99   The project was canceled in March.
  cancel service 5.79   Ground services were canceled.
  cancel talk 5.79   He canceled the talk.
  cancel race 4.87   That race was cancelled.
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