campaign reform 71.96   Both endorsed campaign finance reform.
  campaign trail 68.47   A day on the campaign trail.
  campaign contribution 60.30   A bid for campaign contributions?
  campaign manager 29.82   Bush was his campaign manager.
  campaign law 28.37   Changing the campaign laws.
  campaign finance 27.45   But campaign finance is his specialty.
  campaign issue 26.53   Education ranks high as a campaign issue.
  campaign official 24.42   Campaign officials were even more direct.
  campaign promise 21.40   It was not even a campaign promise.
  campaign aide 20.08   Campaign aides complained of fatigue.
  campaign fund 18.76   His campaign funds are plentiful.
  campaign money 18.04   Georgia campaign money.
  campaign rally 17.58   Lott campaign rally.
  campaign stop 16.92   He picks his campaign stops for good reason.
  campaign donation 16.13   Campaign donations.
  campaign appearance 14.94   His campaign appearances are limited.
  campaign legislation 12.77   Honda was vague about his views on campaign finance legislation.
  campaign headquarters 12.71   President Clinton has a campaign headquarters.
  campaign spokesman 12.44   A campaign spokesman said the timing was coincidental.
  campaign system 12.18   He favored reform of the campaign finance system.
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