camp be 48.06   But the camp was empty.
  camp have 8.03   And every camp had them.
  camp open 8.03   Then training camp opened.
  camp begin 7.37   Training camp begins this month.
  camp say 4.81   So says one camp.
  camp start 2.83   Training camp starts in October.
  camp become 2.11   Training camp becomes a drudgery.
  camp go 2.11   The camp went well.
  camp come 1.97   High camp comes to the death match.
  camp hope 1.45   The Johansson camp are hoping the internal audit will supply it.
  camp offer 1.45   Many camps offer financial aid.
  camp remain 1.45   The camp remained tense Thursday.
  camp want 1.45   The Dole camp wants to hold six.
  camp seem 1.32   Training camp never seemed so useless.
  camp use 1.18   A few camps still use outhouses.
  camp appear 1.12   Mugunga camp now appears to be surrounded.
  camp claim 1.12   Both camps had claimed that name.
  camp look 1.12   The guerrilla camp looked like it had been abandoned in a hurry.
  camp run 1.12   Rookie camp runs through Saturday.
  camp make 1.05   The Bush camp makes much of that.
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