calm in 6.71   By daylight it was calm in Exuma.
  calm on 5.79   Grozny was calm on Monday.
  calm as 3.03   He sounds calm as a poet.
  calm after 2.44   The district was calm after dawn Friday.
  calm throughout 1.97   Lu appeared calm throughout.
  calm for 1.78   This week has been calm for Logan.
  calm about 1.45   He was calm about it.
  calm during 1.38   They stayed calm during the Stanford onslaught.
  calm at 1.32   Security keeps things calm at World Cup.
  calm with 1.32   Sao Tome was reported calm with no shots heard.
  calm by 0.99   Police said the area was calm by noon.
  calm since 0.99   Bombay has been tense but calm since last week.
  calm despite 0.92   Figo said the squad was calm despite the bad news.
  calm under 0.79   I have to remain calm under pressure.
  calm down 0.72   Calm down, I thought.
  calm in_the_face_of 0.66   Ms. Knapp remains calm in the face of annihilation.
  calm over 0.53   Al-Arqam followers here were calm over the news.
  calm amid 0.46   Fans were calm amid the supposed scare.
  calm through 0.46   Not that she stayed calm through it all.
  calm to 0.39   In a moment, the air went from dead calm to explosive fury.
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