bury body 22.78   He knows where every body is buried.
  bury dead 19.29   They have buried their dead.
  bury victim 10.01   The victims were buried Monday.
  bury face 8.69   He buried his face in his hands.
  bury head 5.79   Heads were buried in hands.
  bury remains 4.61   His remains will be buried in Israel.
  bury hatchet 3.82   ----- Old foes bury the hatchet.
  bury people 3.69   We are burying our people.
  bury child 3.23   Parents bury children.
  bury man 2.76   Ten other men will be buried Monday.
  bury difference 2.24   We must bury our differences and work together.
  bury father 2.11   His father is buried in Kabul.
  bury son 1.78   He will bury his son.
  bury past 1.71   Bury the past?
  bury soldier 1.71   You bury that soldier with honor.
  bury village 1.65   Mudslide buries Andean village.
  bury house 1.58   Their houses were buried.
  bury hundred 1.58   Statistics indicated that hundreds could be buried.
  bury mother 1.58   She buried her mother.
  bury treasure 1.58   Buried treasure.
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