burundian army 4.48   The Burundian army denied the claim.
  burundian government 3.29   Burundian government orders closure of two camps.
  burundian capital 3.16   Earlier this month he threatened to attack the Burundian capital.
  burundian refugee 2.90   Burundian refugees are also in eastern Zaire.
  burundian soldier 2.04   Burundian soldiers have arrived in Magara, increasing tension.
  burundian rebel 1.91   The Burundian rebels deny the claim.
  burundian official 1.51   Burundian military officials have accused the refugees of aiding the rebels.
  burundian troop 1.38   Burundian troops also became involved on the rebel side.
  burundian authority 1.25   Burundian authorities insist this is for their own safety.
  burundian leader 0.86   Museveni also told the Burundian leader he must accept peacekeepers.
  burundian president 0.53   The Burundian president made no comment, but said he would address reporters Friday.
  burundian strongman 0.53   Six people have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to overthrow Burundian strongman Paul Buyoya, an army spokesman said on Thursday.
  burundian military 0.46   She said the Burundian military already had begun to escort aid convoys.
  burundian border 0.39   Contingency plans have been drawn up for the relief workers to drive across the Burundian border to Bujumbura.
  burundian politician 0.39   Some Burundian politicians rule out any negotiations with Nyangoma, whom they accuse of having genocidal ambitions himself.
  burundian radio 0.33   Burundian radio said the victims belonged to both the majority Hutu and minority Tutsi ethnic groups.
  burundian delegation 0.26   A Burundian delegation led by Defense Minister Cyrille Ndayirukiye said Tanzania had strengthened security measures along the frontier.
  burundian minister 0.26   The Burundian ministers were told that they should start a political dialogue immediately in Burundi, Pettigrew said.
  burundian source 0.26   They were killed when Hutu rebels attacked a bus with a rocket-launcher, according to Burundian military sources.
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