bureaucratic delay 6.06   No bureaucratic delays.
  bureaucratic hurdle 2.70   There are two bureaucratic hurdles.
  bureaucratic obstacle 2.63   She made sure there were few bureaucratic obstacles.
  bureaucratic procedure 2.57   Iraq has blamed cumbersome U.N. bureaucratic procedures.
  bureaucratic nightmare 2.11   Getting there however, is going to be a bureaucratic nightmare.
  bureaucratic problem 1.91   Bureaucratic problems have also cropped up.
  bureaucratic inertia 1.84   Some describe it as classic bureaucratic inertia.
  bureaucratic process 1.84   It is a bureaucratic process.
  bureaucratic control 1.71   The Burger King organisation operates a highly bureaucratic control system.
  bureaucratic barrier 1.65   Bureaucratic barriers include one involving the import of building materials.
  bureaucratic reform 1.51   The bureaucratic reforms are sensible and long overdue.
  bureaucratic dispute 1.32   But mired in a bureaucratic dispute, the cash has yet to find its way into county coffers.
  bureaucratic regulation 1.18   That is the way that we build jobs surely, not through bureaucratic regulations.
  bureaucratic interference 1.12   Disgusted at the bureaucratic interference, the high-powered attorney quit in a huff.
  bureaucratic system 1.12   Corruption, rife in the bureaucratic system, will be done away with.
  bureaucratic hassle 1.05   It took weeks of bureaucratic hassle to get a replacement passport.
  bureaucratic inefficiency 1.05   Years of bureaucratic inefficiency and denial may finally be over.
  bureaucratic maze 1.05   Delays within the bureaucratic maze eventually allowed the opportunity to slip by.
  bureaucratic battle 0.92   Revenge takes the form of bureaucratic battles.
  bureaucratic infighting 0.86   But the bureaucratic infighting continued.
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