building be 111.85   It was terrible!
  building have 22.51   Do old buildings have souls?
  building collapse 14.09   Many buildings collapsed.
  building house 11.06   Now, the building houses the FAO.
  building stand 6.65   The buildings stood.
  building remain 5.40   The building remains empty.
  building go 4.48   Buildings go down.
  building fall 4.08   Buildings fall.
  building become 3.55   The building eventually became a rental home.
  building look 3.42   The building looks better than ever.
  building sway 3.23   Buildings swayed as far away as Mexico City.
  building shake 3.16   The whole building shook.
  building seem 2.96   The new buildings seem to be an OK idea.
  building come 2.90   Buildings come and go.
  building appear 2.63   The building appeared deserted.
  building include 2.44   The federal building included a day care center.
  building contain 2.30   All the buildings will contain guest rooms.
  building suffer 2.24   The building suffered smoke damage.
  building serve 1.97   The building once served as the royal palace.
  building burn 1.91   Buildings collapsed and buildings burned.
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